Bluestone Telecom

The only phone system you will ever need.

Customization is key - every company's phone system is different.

Web, email and other facets of a company's data infrastructure might all be much the same across companies as a whole, but phone systems are not. Every company has "special requirements" tailored to the way they do business. For that reason its critical that a phone solution be:

  • Easily tailored to meet current needs.
  • Readily provides for experimentation with new facilities that make a company more efficient as it grows.
The Bluestone web graphics user interface (GUI) provides a uniquely powerful tool to achieve both of these goals. It is also worth noting that both hosted and OSS solutions use the same interface - there is no difference. (Aside - Switching between Hosted and OSS implementations is trivial so it is key that the management of either solution is the same).

DIDs & IVR Group Action Grids.

  • Every company's phone system is different. They do not have the uniformity that the deployment of web, email etc systems do.
  • Customization of the phone system to meet a company's needs is therefore essential.
  • Bluestone's solution excels in this regard with:
    • ACTION GRIDS: Provide an easy-to-use graphical means of programming a broad range of call flows.
      • Place cells on a grid from a library.
      • Parameterize the cells as needed.
      • Calls flow along the row from left to right (ie start at Step #1 and proceed to the right).

Action Grids are used to define call flow for DIDs and IVRs. Some cells are themselves additional action grids. The result is a very flexible means that enables anyone to define custom call flow. No programming expertize of any kind is required.

User & Phone Editors.

Users and phones are organized somewhat differently on this system, then there are on other. In the Bluestone approach the organization is as follows:

  • Users own phones.
  • When a phone is allocated to a user, the phone automatically inherits that user's contact list, callerID, routing preferences etc.
  • This means, for example, that if a user needs a second phone (eg for a home office), simply allocating the phone to the user automatically programs the phone with everything that personalizes that phone to the user.
  • Phone configuration itself is focused on the hardware - type of phone, MAC address, etc

If you have any programming background then you will note this organization is in the "object oriented" style - which is the intent. Once you have used it, you will appreciate just much simpler it makes system administration.

Hunt Groups, ACDs, Tracks and other functions

There are a number of other core functions that are managed by the GUI. A summary of these functions is given below:

  • Hunt Groups
  • ACDs
  • Track Synthesis
  • E911
  • Public Voicemail Boxes
  • Public Contact Lists
  • Forwarded Phones
  • Pickup Groups

In summary the administration GUI provides a simple, yet powerful way to manage a broad range of phone system needs.

Choose from On-Site-Server or Hosted Deployments

 Hosted soluton employs primary and secondary servers
With the hosted approach the user's dial plan is compiled and sent to both primary and secondary servers. Should there be any issues with the primary server then operation is automatically switched to the secondary server. This secondary server is guaranteed to have the same identical dial plan to the primary server, not some minimal version that can only allow callers to leave a voice mail or similar.
 On-Site-Server (OSS) solution is by far our most popular approach.
Our OSS solution is unique and was developed in response to the issues we had encountered over the two decades we have been involved in the VoIP industry. The benefits of the approach are dealt with elsewhere on this website but in a nutshell they are as follows:
  • Great Voice Quality
    Delivered by integrated tools that measure your Internet connection and automatically configure voice and data bandwidth shaping to maximise performance.Automatically configures firewalls and performs all other networking optimizations to deliver the best solution possible.
  • Super Reliable
    Normally although on site servers (ie solutions from Cisco, Avaya etc) have many benefits if the internet fails or there is some local failure your whole company goes "off the air", customers cannot contact you and your credibility suffers.This NEVER happens with Bluestone for reasons you can read about here.
  • No impact on your current data infrastructure
    The use of multiple VLANs plus integrated LAN services mean the phone system is layered over your current infrastructure with no possibility of interaction.

The On Site Server

Integrated Installation Smarts

 After many years of trying coach VARs and IT staff in VoIP installation it became clear that was not going to work
Many IT staff do not understand how to deploy real time network traffic and cannot afford the time to become educated on it.
 Creating a "Smart Server" that can install itself was much more successful.
Putting the necessary smarts for VLAN deployment, Voice over Data prioritization, bandwidth shaping and the like, made installation a breeze and cut install times from days to hours.
 Highly flexible configuration with multiple networking modes
The OSS can be used as a replacement for the traditional router/firewall OR is can be deployed in so called "transparent mode" so that existing router/firewalls can be retained. In either deployment mode it has a broad array of functionality that is easy to configure.

The OSS has a web interface to make management simple.

The images below show some clips from the web interface to the OSS. The "Main Menu" page illustrates the array of functions that are available locally. Access to the interface is via HTTPS.

The Main Menu

Configuring BW Shaping

Information on SIP Phone and Remote Gateway Status.

Main Network Configuration Page.